How to keep the belly happy!

Dear belly, my sweet digestion,

you pesky little thing, sometimes you cause discomfort but I know you are trying! I know you want the best for me and you are doing what you can. I love you and I am going to do my best to make your job easy. It’s about time!

I’m sorry. I know sometimes I complain about you with no action but I am here to love you. thank you thank you thank you! you just keep doing you!

Simple ways to happy digestion!

drink warm lemon water in the morning to spark digestion
- eat without distraction
- eat to a thorough consistency
- eat until your first burp (the belly is satisfied then)
- eat your last meal 3 hours before bed

choose 1-3 of these to do and you will definitely notice a difference!


My favorite Ayurveda self care practice, Abhyangha!


Why we need to "Mother" ourselves