A Little Piece of My Heart
Janis Joplin is my inspiration this week. By fortunately getting called back for the role of Janis in a play, I was able to do research! I knew I loved the gal for her music, but wow, what an affecting, inspirational woman. She fully devoted her life to her beliefs, being honest, giving through her music, and always being true to herself. every time she sang she MADE LOVE WITH THE AUDIENCE! How amazing.
Now if in can take what I've learned from Janis, I will not literally make love with 25,000 people, but I will send my love to the 25,000. How? By my actions and intentions to the person right in front of me. The gift of love is contagious.
A couple days ago, I was a little bitter at all the pink and red decorations for Valentine's day. My single, happy self thought, "why does everything have to be so big and bright and cheesy! I don't like Valentine's day, grump grump grump..." Today, I woke up with a shift in my heart, literally! Its not about the gifts, the hearts, endless chocolates or who is more clever or romantic in their loving gestures. It is about the simple connection of love. Love for our friends, family, lifeguard, grocery clerk, animals, the ocean (currently writing this on ocean beach in san diego :) ), etc. and the gratitude and appreciation we have towards these simple life changers. Most importantly, love yourself. Make room to give AND receive love.
So I go back to Janis. She didn't sing out complaints and why nots, she was fully absorbed by love and how that can affect the world. So on this beautiful loving day, take a moment for you and then let all those little pieces of your heart shine from within.
Xoxox, love always
"Don't compromise yourself, you're all you've got" - Janis Joplin