30 day yoga challenge?…accepted…completed!

ImageThis past week I completed 30 consecutive days of yoga. If I missed a day, I did a double. through the challenge, I was able to let my mind surrender and my body take over.

Right before the new year, I was struggling with commitment to little big things in my life. I say little big things because they are the small everyday things to build to a bigger destination. From vocal practice, to being on top of my game, and trying to finish ALL of my to do lists. I was frustrated and beat myself up because of procrastination and hesitation.

I have a firm practice in yoga but noticed that I was not going as much as I would like to. It is my place to relax and sew together my mind, body and soul. soooo I decided…. why not do a 30 day yoga challenge?! I thought, what better way to commit, to let go, and to move forward?

now they call this a challenge for a reason…I kinda forgot about that. Most of my struggles were actually getting to my mat. Some days I would do yoga at 1am or wake up early to take a class at 6:30am. I was finding every bit of time to do yoga. I then realized that I had the time! and more!

10 things I gained and learned from this experience:

  1. the hardest part is getting there, but once on the mat, I knew the physical exertion would just be a ride
  2. I have time if I make the time, I had no excuse, no matter what, I made it to my mat. I found little crevices of time and that was a main motivation for other commitment issues in life
  3. you know? Sometimes, life really isn't as hard as we think it is!
  4. setting a REAL intention and connecting it to my breath and movement can make all the difference and can expand that specific thought beyond my practice (The three most common this month: I am selfless, I am playful, I am relaxed..well that did wonders)
  5. TO LAUGH IN PRACTICE! and in life, this is what my blog is about! some days I thought to myself "I have to get to yoga," like it was a chore or another TO DO and then when I was actually in class I realized how playful and fun I was able to be.
  6. I ate healthier! I was just feeding my body what it craved, and that my friends was healthy food (kale for the win!)
  7. I had ME time, time to meditate, reflect, express gratitude, connect with the world around me, and learned to open my heart every day.
  8. my mom always said, "Don't sweat the small stuff, only sweat the big stuff" and now I have realized that big stuff really comes out in the 100 degree heated room! There was no use in frustration or blocks in daily life. I was allowing the big stuff to come out through my one hour surrender
  9. Although tired or sick, I was able to continue this challenge. Obstacles were not in the way because they were not allowed in my 30 days. I think that plays a huge role in the life of being an actor. Right here, I experienced commitment and eliminated all blocks because I knew my goal. More than likely, we are our biggest blocks. Now that I am reflecting back, I feel like I unlocked a juicy gem!
  10. When my mind, body and soul was connected, I felt fearless, I had the most fun in my practice and auditions and I was able to release and let go of "should and the right way"

now obviously all my problems and little issues have not diminished over the last month, but I have found a direction, a motivation, and possibility to achieve what may be physically and mentally demanding. Slowly but surely little nuances will turn into nuggets of gold.  instead of forcing myself to practice voice everyday, I let it become a part of me and seep in, I turned my big lists into small lists so I can achieve and be proud of tiny accomplishments (A for effort on inversions!). I am putting use to what I learned daily and taking my practice off the mat.

The funny part was, when I finished my 30 days, I didn't do yoga for 3 days, I thought, "I deserve a break!" and then, my body when a little crazy! I CRAVED YOGA! I think thats a good sign, don't you?

So I ask you to challenge yourself for 30 days. Maybe it is yoga, hiking, cooking, biking, walking outdoors, hugging 10 people everyday, doing one random act of kindness, having a drop of sweat, get creative! with just that commitment it might open your eyes to something more than what is right in front of you.

the light in me honors and respects the light in you, soak in patience, have fun.



I don't think I should call this yoga challenge, I think... yoga awakening. :)

The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu


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