October - Ancestral Healing
This month, we are calling on our ancestors, to heal any wounds that were not healed and free any blocks or patterns that were carried into our existence. Practice the ancestral healing practice of Tarpana, do a yoga practice that focuses on how we can honor the gifts from our ancestors, and enjoy a sweet and spicy chai to balance vata (air+ether), this fall.
Ready to dive in?
The Practice
We will explore the simple but powerful shamanic practice of Tarpana. You will need photos of your ancestors, and you can bring some of their favorite foods, or even parts of their favorite foods. Set the mood, light some candles and let’s go in!
The Movement
Now that we have started to heal the ancestral line, let’s move the body to honor the gifts that we have been given.
The Recipe
Spiced Chai warms my heart and balances Vata this fall! Enjoy my favorite beverage this time of year.