January - Intention from the Heart
Happy New Year!!! This month, discover your sankalpa, or intention from the heart that may be one of the most powerful practices for manifestation and aligning yourself with your authentic path. The movement for this month is a special Winter Solstice class that honors the cycle of death and rebirth, to shed what is no longer serving and making space for inspiration, creativity, and love.
Ready to dive in?
The Practice
Grab a cup of tea, a notebook and a pen and enjoy this practice on discovering your hearts true calling.
*I apologize for some of the static in the audio
The Movement
My goodness this is a special one! It is an audio recording of a Winter Solstice class on 12/21. The first 20 min is an expansive meditation, the next 40 are feminine form and intention movement and then we seal the class with 30 minutes of restorative. Again, I apologize for some of the static in the audio but hopefully you can breathe through it and enjoy the practice because it is too good not to miss!
The Recipe
Get ready for the crowd favorite! Chocolate covered sunbutter truffles are made with sunflower seeds instead of peanuts. Peanuts are normally seen in treats but can actually be incredibly heavy and hard to digest. In these delicious balls of heaven, we use sunflower seeds and almonds which are the lighter and easier to digest. Enjoy!!!