Laughing with Life

Hello everyone! So you guessed it! Life is pretty crazy, a roller coaster, up and down and right when you think you are safe, there is a triple loop right in front of you....awesome. BUT thats what is so amazing about life.. and roller coasters. So I decided, why not embrace it, enjoy it, ride with the ridiculousness and laugh with the obscurities and possibilities of life? I am not going to laugh at it, like life is not in my close circle of friends. who invited this guy? why is he so weird? why cant he be normal? like us, wooo! bahaha...okay... i just made life a human... anyway, I am going to invite him to my party! I'm stoked. embrace, accept, laugh, growth with it. And hey, isn't laughter the best medicine? I am here to share my journey.

I recently moved back to los angeles, my native home, to pursue my career as an actor and let me tell you, these last five months have not been easy. At the same time, I have met incredible, inspirational people, discovered new loves and passions, and found a truth and spontaneity in my craft. laughter helps.

this is my place to share, explore, and reflect. For happiness, inspiration, motivation, moments of clarity, challenges, growth, changes, failures, successes (mine and others), and just the fact that we are all living everyday, on this journey together. I will probably throw in some good ol' recipes and yoga induced enlightenments. who knows? possibilities are endless.

life is a party, so why not make it the best bash? right now, just laugh! try it :) I dare you.


"a day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charlie Chaplin


My week with [Marilyn] EPAs